Monday 2 March 2020

Just a normal day by Annabel T Kassa

As I enter school, I absolutely dread the test that awaits me. I look around and feel so under-prepared. I feel as if the world has begun to close in around me. The start of the test approaches and as I enter the exam room, my confidence starts to drop. I overthink too much- am I going to fail? Is there something I’ve forgotten? I sit down at my desk and try to gather my thoughts and feelings as the teacher begins to hand out the test paper.

The test starts and as I look at the first question I feel a bit more reassured. I work my way through the test and then my heart skips a beat. I read the question over and over but I’ve got no idea about what to do. I start panicking-should I know this? Is it a trick question? My vision begins to go blurry and I feel scared. I leave it and move on. Later on, I come back but this time I have sort of an idea about what to do.
I come out of the room as my exam had finished and I realised what a fuss I had made. It’s over, just like that. Now the only thing I’m looking forward to is lunch.

I go through my lessons and yes finally lunch arrives. I munch on my food and spend quality time with my friends. Before I know it, it’s the end of the day. I go home, do my homework and go to bed later on. Still in the back of my mind, I think of my test; there’s really no point but I still think. How could I have done?

I get to school and realised I’m going to get my results back today. Scary! Literal shivers run down my spine. I want to get them back but at the same time I don’t. The teacher comes around with them but she has the best poker face ever. I can’t tell at all how I’ve done. I’m scared. She puts it in front of me and I look. Wow.

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