Monday 2 March 2020

Emma Review by Niamh McAlister

The story of Emma by Jane Austen has been adapted before. It is now a movie, a TV series on Netflix and even the film Clueless is based on Emma. Emma is directed by Autumn de Wilde and stars Anya Taylor-Joy. It is about a handsome, clever and very rich woman called Emma, who always means well but can be headstrong and vain. She tries to make matches for her friends but ends up getting into a rather complicated situation because of it.

After the film, a very nice woman started talking to me about the film. She told me it was all brilliant except for the way Emma was portrayed, she was too snobby in the film. I think I have to agree with my bathroom buddy. The character of Emma is meant to be spoilt, but ultimately well meaning. This was my only issue with the film and I thought everything else was brilliant.
First of all, the costume was amazing. I loved all of the beautiful dresses and suits. In the versions of Emma that I've seen, the clothes are plain but the clothes in this Emma were really believably Georgian. 

Secondly, the formal way that they spoke to each other was brilliant. They addressed even their friends formally and were always polite. They always stood straight and were always polite towards everyone except the servants, whom they barely addressed. It really gave me sense of how rich they were from just the first scene where Emma is walking around the garden with one servant holding a lamp for her and the other cutting the flowers for her. 

For me, the best performance was Miranda Hart as Miss Bates, a lovable but slightly annoying chatterbox who Emma and Harriet (Emma’s friend) try to avoid for fear of death by boredom. Miranda played Miss Bates so well and made me and my friends laugh so much in the cinema. 
I give this film ★★★★1/2 /5 stars as I really enjoyed this film and I would gladly see it again anytime! I can’t say how much I really enjoyed it! I would highly recommend that you go and see it!


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